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Automotive Software Development Division / Automotive SoC Software Department 2.
[Role and Responsibility]
- Software development of SoC(R-Car) for ADAS and AD
- Image recognition/processing middleware and drivers
- Advanced model-based development
- Planning of automotive software platform
The automobile industry is in the middle of the biggest change we’ve seen in the last 100 years, and Renesas develop an provide R-Car series for ADAS and Autonomous Driving.
The functions and quality required for software for this R-Car series are becoming more sophisticated and complex year by year, and there is an urgent demand for embedded software development engineers, mainly focusing on image recognition and image processing.
We are looking for talented personnel who can take on challenges through software development in the rapid technological innovation of cars.
[Required Skills and Work Experience]
- 3 or more years experience with embedded software development
Preferred experiences:
- Project leader, Project management
- Computer vision/Image recognition, Image processing, Machine learning
- Functional Safety
[Required Language Skills]
[English] daily conversation level TOEIC score around 600
[Japanese] Business Communication level